Let Us Decide


Github Repository

Project Description

The dilemma of deciding where to eat is one that plagues many people every day. This web application, Let Us Decide, resolves this. The user will simply type in their location, the distance that they are willing to travel, and the type of food they are looking for in their respective fields and our application will return to them a spot based on the criteria of the information that they provided. This includes the restaurant name, an image, as well as its address.

Technologies/Languages Used


  • JavaScript

  • Bootstrap

  • Google Maps API

black flat screen computer monitor
black flat screen computer monitor
Project 2

This is project #2

a computer screen with a bunch of code on it
a computer screen with a bunch of code on it
Project #3

This is project #3

monitor displaying index.html codes
monitor displaying index.html codes
Project #4

This is project #4